Journal · Life & other things

Creative people are real-life superheros

I feel like my creative mind is trapped within the bounds of reality.

What do I mean by that?

I mean everyday I’m forced to push the creative sparks within my mind away in order to focus on the bore of day to day work. Instead of working on my novel, I’m forced to do mindless work in front of a computer screen that always seems too bright.

Instead of creating and than editing a video when I get home from my boring job, I have to do homework for classes I couldn’t care less about. It always seems my passions must wait so that “reality” things can be done. As I sit at a job I’m getting paid way too little to do, my mind starts to wander to all the things I rather be doing. It’s funny, my therapist said early on in our sessions that she could just tell if I’m not in a career where I can be creative while also helping other, humans and/or animals, I will not be happy. She couldn’t be more right. I’m not the type of person who can handle a same, every day, boring 9-5 job. Each day, between work and school, I can feel the creativity fire within me dim as the problems of the real world overcrowd it. I pray every day that my life will lead me down a path where I can be happy and creative but also successful. Where instead of waking up with knots in my tummy dreading the day ahead, I wake up excited for what this new day has in store.

I’ve spoke of this before and I’ll say it again here, today’s world is not built for creative people. We are the outcasts, the one’s with so many passions it’s impossible to just pick one. The ones who refuse to let their special spark die no matter how many times life throws water at it. But we are also the ones who have the power to bring magic and joy into an otherwise dark world. In a society overcome with pain, darkness and sadness, we are the one’s who can bring light. Think of the creative people that have brought joy to you. The one’s who found the way to use this beautiful power to help others. Actors, authors, directors, singers, etc. Now think about where they all started. They all began in the same place you and I are in right now. They began with a creative spark in their heart, a spark that continued to grow and grow. They began as young men and woman with a dream and a passion to bring their magic into other’s lives. All with a drive so strong that nothing and no one could keep them from accomplishing their goals, no matter how much they would try. If they can succeed, you can too. Us creative people truly are superheros. Don’t ever let anything or anyone take that power away. Hold onto the magic inside of you despite the challenges the real world brings. And finally, remember the only difference between you and the creative people you inspire to be is that they never gave up. Don’t ever give up.

Until next time my lovelies,

Kaylee D ❤


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