
Anxiety is a seed

Let’s think of anxiety as a seed

We are all born with this seed inside of us

For some people it will remain just that, a seed, for many many years

For a very lucky few, that seed may never change into anything else

But for the majority, that seed will remain a seed until a major trauma causes that seed to be buried

Often, this occurs at a young age

For instance, your parents divorcing as a child

This event has now caused the seed within to be buried or in other words, planted inside of you

Once again the seed will remain dormant as it waits for the necessary ingredients needed to grow

However, this seed has now become a ticking time bomb and the effects of the seed have already begun to show

For some, years go by, for others, mere months before the seed has enough nutrients that it can take root.

Usually, another big trauma will be what causes this little seed to finally sprout roots

For instance, the death of a close loved one

Now that the seed has rooted, each trauma, whether big or small, acts as water, sunshine and soil, helping the seed to grow and grow.

Bullying, abusive relationships, invalidations, disappointments, all are ingredients that help the seed to grow

Every tear that falls from your eyes is the equivalent of water being poured from a watering can

Slowly, the seed becomes a plant, and small leaves begin to sprout

These leaves are depression and the more nutrients the seed gets, the more leaves sprout

For some people, there are so many leaves, the entire plant is engulfed in them

For others, the leaves remain so small they don’t interfere with their life

And for those unlucky few, the leaves remain at an equal amount as the rest of the plant

As your life continues, slowly the plant grows larger and larger until it becomes so big, it has taken over every piece of your body.

That one little seed has now become a huge plant inhabiting each limb, each joint

Wrapping around your heart and your mind

When this happens, you can no longer ignore the plant inside of you for it is absorbing all your energy, all your happiness

The plant is so large it is blocking the light, swallowing all the joy in your life and replacing it with nothing but fear and sadness

Everything you do it affected by the monster plant that lives inside of you

And the only way to cut the plant down is to face all that made it grow in the first place

In order to kill the plant, you must forgive all the ones who did you wrong, all the people who made you cry

You must let go of everything from your past that helped the beast grow

You must overwhelm the plant with true pure light until it’s so bright, the plant begins to shrivel and die

By doing this, slowly the plant will wilt and piece by piece, fall apart

Until finally, there is nothing left of it except for that one little seed, lying dormant underneath the dirt

Waiting to once again take root within you

But you know now what it takes for that seed to grow

So let me ask you this, will you allow the seed to grow again?

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